But actual hard copy books, I have about 5. They are highlighted and tabbed. Why don't I buy more hard copy? Because I want too many! And I can't just read them, I have to take tons and tons of notes. So I got myself an Arc notebook from Staples, or use any notebook, and borrow books from the library and just take notes. If you must own the book, consider an ebook since they are cheaper.

Anyway enough ranting. Here is my list of the best writing books I have found useful (which means they have at least several pages of highlighted areas that I have learned from and wanted to keep for future reference. I will post new lists as I read more books. But hopefully, this should get you started on some really great writing books to help you sort through the zillions that are available. They are in no particular order, and range on topics from outlining to character development to simple plot structure.
1. Write the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass (haven't tried the workbook- but I want to)
2. Nail Your Novel by Roz Morris
3. Plot & Structure by James Scott Bell (almost the entire thing is highlighted)
4. Rock Your Plot by Cathy Yarley
5. The Plot Whisperer by Martha Alderson (haven't tried the workbook-but I want to)
6. Plotting Simplified by Eddie Jones (emphasis on simplified, but good refresher on basics)
Like I said, I'll post more very soon and only ones I really enjoyed/learned from. I'm in the middle of reading several at this moment. Hopefully these can get you started. Good luck perfecting your craft!
From One Writer To Another, Love
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