Saturday, November 24, 2012

Top 14 Gifts for Writers in 2012


With the gift-giving season right around the corner, I figure I'd offer everyone a couple items to add to their wish list. I always ask for gifts to help me write. I admit I'm a procrastinator. I always say "I hate to write, I love to have written". Course that isn't entirely true. I don't hate to write. It just takes a while to get me motivated. These are always great reminders that you have writing to do. Plus the more writer's related gifts you get or the more items you get for any holiday the more you'll feel like a writer and thus: you'll write more! Yay!

Here are the Top 14 Gifts for Writers

14.   iPod + speakers
13.   Laptop Cooler
12.   New laptop bag  
11.   Writer Mug (any mug with "Writer" printed on it)
10.   Writer T-Shirt (self designed) with own clever writer saying
  9.   Book Signing Pen in Case (Reg pen in glass box for inspiration)
  8.   Writing Self-Help Books
  7.   Painting Set (to get creative when they don't feel creative)
  6.   Writer's Magazine (like Writer's Digest)
  5.   Arc Notebook (customizable notebook!)
  4.   Writing Classes/Seminar
  3.   Kindle Fire (to help read and research on the go)
  2.   Liquid Story Binder Novel Writing Software
  1.   Laptop

As the gift giver, this list is exactly what should get you started for the writer in your life You won't go wrong with any of these itmes. As for the writer's reading, think of what you want. Think of what the writer in you wants. Make sure you always ask for at least one thing for the writer in you. Reward her/him too for all the work they do.

Copy Editing Certificate Programs

I lettered in English, was an English Sterling Scholar, and went to college for 2 semesters majoring in English. It was as I was sitting in Written Works 1800-1860 that I realized: How will this help me write my books? Do I need a degree to publish my books? Will all this debt be paid off once I'm published? So I stopped. Creative Writing would help. But Renaissance writing? No.

Since then I have discovered I would love to make Editing part of my career. Yet most Editor jobs request a Bachelors in Journalism, English or Communications. Now if you look at the courses you'd be taking, how much can you use in  your writing? To me I'd prefer to use the classes I'm paying for rather than just have the title to get me the job. So I am looking at online Copy Editing Certificate courses. I am stuck between 3 programs. I'll post the best ones here that I've found based on cost, types of courses, and they are all completely online (so I am not looking at ones on campus). I need one I can do on the go whenever. So if you have an opinion share it! I'll be picking one within the next month and I'll post more later.

Here are the contenders:

Media Bistro Copy Editing Certificate
Copy Editing I
Copy Editing II
Copy Editing III
Grammar and Punctuation

2 Electives (2 included, others $350-$425 ea)
Advanced Grammar
Writing and Editing for the Web
Develop a Freelance Career
InDesign for Writers & Editors
Online Research for Journalists

UC San Diego Extension Copy Editing Certificate
$395 a class ($1580 for 4 required. Extra $ for electives)
Copy Editing I
Copy Editing II
Copy Editing III
Grammar Lab

Recommended Electives (unkn prices)
Editing as a Business
Marketing for Copy Editors
Web Skills for Editors
Intro to Scientific and Medical Editing
Social Media for Editors

I am torn because each program has their pros and cons. I want a certificate not only for the knowledge and confidence it would bring but also to show potential employers. Which of these would provide the most knowledge if quality were all equal (which I won't know until I get in)? I'd say the one with the most classes? Media offers 6 classes for $1500. Not a bad deal. The program seems pretty all inclusive. Though what employers know what Media Bistro is? Where as UC San Diego is a real college (University of California San Diego) and my certificate might hold more weight. Though the classes are more expensive. Already $1580 for only 4 classes and Media Bistro claims to offer the same courses. So there they are. I'll let you know what I end up picking and how the class goes. I'll also let you know if it helps in my writing career so stay tuned!

Re-Energize the Writer

You've told yourself you'll be a bestselling writer someday. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction or poetry. You can feel it in your bones. Yet you are afraid to say it from the rooftops because you know people in your life who will doubt. If you are like me, you already  have people who doubt. People who ask how you are doing career wise. They mean for you to answer with your current day job and what "real" schooling you are undergoing. I know my mother was so proud when I told her I was doing Medical Coding school. I registered for classes because I figured I could do it from home...while I wrote. Though when I didn't get a job as a coder because every job needed 5 years experience, and I decide to take Copy Editing courses, suddenly my ambitions aren't so noble.

You need something to pull you back. Something to look at or listen to that will pull you back to the reason you are writing. The reason you spend hours online for the best writing classes, software, best writing pen, seminars in your area, and writers workshops online. You've probably wish listed about 100 books on amazon for writers. I know I have. So what do you do when someone makes you doubt yourself? This is not an easy industry. Many of the best well known authors were rejected several times from publishers. I'm not the type of person with thick skin. which isn't a good combination with the term "Writer". So tell me what you do to pull yourself back to focus?

Here are somethings I do to put my mind back in the Writer's mind.
  • Buy a book you once read and thought "This is terrible. There is no plot! The characters are flat! The descriptions are mediocre."When you are feeling put out, pick it up, read a few pages and tell yourself,"If they can do it, I can!" Have this book ready on your shelf always.
  • Pour your favorite drink (coffee, tea, soda, juice, wine, energy drink) in a mug titled: Writer.
  • Leave your current work and work on a brand new idea. Just brainstorm ten new books. Look at the list. Would a non-writer be able to make a list like that? Didn't think so.
  • Get a new writer's gadget. Some new reading glasses, a new laptop cover, a set of new pens.
  • Writer Identity items. Maybe a door hanger "Do not disturb...novel in progress"
  • If you are good with Photoshop or any other pic designer, design your book front matter. You'll be inspired!
  • Read a self-help book for writers. There are hundreds! See my suggestions (soon to come).
  • Explore a different genre. Make your mother blush with a romance novel. Would you put Lord of the Rings to shame? What about writing the next Jurassic Park?

If you have other tips to share, please comment! Let's learn from each other!

Watch My Writing Journey

You are a writer. If you weren't, you wouldn't be here. The first step to being a writer is telling yourself you are one. Once I told myself that, I actually began to believe it. Suddenly I didn't mind spending hours on my laptop writing and researching or locking myself up in my room for days producing beautiful prose. Suddenly people didn't harass me about wasting my time or ask when I would give that up. Once you believe you are a writer, so will other people  Make it so people want to get you writer's gifts, t-shirts that joke about your profession and bumper stickers that only fellow writers would understand.

Throughout this blog I'll share any insights, tips, and research I find. I'll pass it on to you so you don't have to repeat my mistakes or go through the same trouble for the same information. My path to becoming the writer I am has been a long winded one. I started writing books that  my younger brother would listen to. I then wrote poetry and songs. That was when I thought of myself as a future author. Then I got older and knew my books would need much more work before they would be published. So in the meantime I should use my writing as my career. No I haven't published very many places, no I haven't given my book to publishers, and no one knows my name. Yet. The fact that years have gone my still and my dream hasn't changed is what shows me I'm a writer. That was when I decided: I am a writer.

Throughout this blog I'll share my journey of going from an amateur writer with little experience to a published author. I say this because I know I'll get there. I want this journey to be tracked. My pitfalls, my mistakes, lessons learned and success stories as well. So the writer in you can see it happen to someone like me. I'll ask for your opinions to help me make my decisions and listen to your comments of critique or comfort. I will be the proof that if I can do it, anyone can. Writers unite!

Best Software for Novel Writing

I am by nature a perfectionist. I also happen to be easily distracted. Yet I also happen to be a research guru. What does this all lead up to? Apart from not getting much writing done, it leads me to believe that in order to write, not just write, but write well, I need certain things. Laptop. Laptop cooler. Desk for writing in bed. Back rest to sit up in bed. Writing lamp. Among my needs is software. In order for my masterpiece to become a reality I can't just sit down and write. I need the best software out there. I need software that will do everything but write the story for me. If you are anything like me and this is just one more excuse for you to not pick up the pen and write then I have bad news. I've found a program for you. So now you can sit down and write with me.

I'll compare the two best ones I have tested and found worthy. I have tested others but these are the only two worthy of your time.Trust me when I say, I've found a program that will do what it needs to. I've tried them ALL. For some reason, I felt it wasn't my fault if I wrote poorly, if I wrote at all, because how could I possibly create without the perfect program to organize all my thoughts? In all fairness to myself, I was partially correct. Since writing with these programs, my productivity has gone up and my frustration down. The two I will compare are Liquid Story Binder and Write Way.

Write Way

This was the first program I found worthy of purchase after trying all the free demos available
Smooth pleasant face
Easily navigated
Nice tutorial already implemented
Not overly complex- just enough of what you need

You can't just write and organize later (you must add "scenes" and then rearrange"
I didn't use the organization tools
The character profiles were too complicated

Liquid Story Binder

Tutorial covers everything
Use only what you need-totally customizable
Add music to your scenes! One of my favorite features!!
Bang for your buck! A lot of features for a small cost
30-day free trial (mine lasted longer, and I only bought it because I was afraid I'd lose my work)
Very customizable (always something to work on-nonlinear writing)
Free online tutorials on the website and very responsive email support team

Tutorial a little overwhelming
Probably a lot of extra fluff you'll never use (but maybe you will!)
Be careful about losing your work or renaming scenes

Apart from that, they have many of the same features. You can put both into ebook format, add content for the front and back matter, add character profiles, organize research and notes and much more. Unless you have a Mac, these are the best out there for Windows. If you have a mac I would also try Scrivener. Ultimately I thought WriteWay Pro was the best but then finally tried Liquid Story Binder and like it much better. So you can try either one with their demos and take my word for it.  Either way, pick one and get writing!